Ensure that you check that your Internet connection is not only strong, but obviously stable. We know that Windows 10 has a nasty habit of automatically downloading without notice. Any laptops or other devices which automatically update may also cause an issue. This will present you with all manners of issues while your gaming. It may be an idea to discuss with those you live with.

How many Ethernet cables are leeching bandwidth from Conan Exiles. How many wireless devices are connected to your network hub? Regardless of your download or upload speed you will have limited bandwidth to share throughout your household. Bandwidth is a term used for your available internet feed. Wait for roughly seconds before logging into Conan Exiles. Simply press the reset button on your Network Hub. Just for the time being and then attempt to play Conan Exiles again. An easy way to isolate or fix the issue with your wireless internet is to plug an ethernet cable into your console or gaming device. Then your Wireless Internet may be a problem. So before you reach out to the developers lets try some trial and error! Or if you simply cant connect to the Conan Exiles servers. The fixes may not relate to Conan Exiles or your situation however there is no harm in trying.

The Fix Guides below have been compiled together as they have solved other users in resolving their Lag issues and pin spikes. You will find certain abnormalities like frames skipping, glitching, your character hopping places, gameplay reversing and many other issues. Having problems with Conan Exiles lagging on you throughout gameplay? Before you blame the game there might be some exterior issues that you may have to fix.