Until now, Antiochus conquered areas outside Europe, which did not cause any clear clashes with Rome. The issue of Lysimachia, located in Europe, became a flashpoint. His increasingly bold war campaigns alarmed the Roman Senate. However, with the reign of Antiochus III, later called the Great, the territory expanded significantly. Initially, they did not gain a significant role in the Middle East region.

The Seleucids, part of the once united and powerful empire of Alexander the Great, founded their state in today’s Turkey. It will be more affordable when it hits retail, though, costing Rs 999.Creative Commons Attribution license - On the same terms 3.0. The game is currently available for pre-order on digital distribution service Steam, where it costs a hefty $59.95 (Rs 3790 approx). Total War: Rome 2 is set to hit store shelves on September 3. We hope to support Rome 2 in a similar fashion." "We are also very proud of how Shogun 2 is our most moddable Total War to date with over 500 user-made mods on Steam Workshop alone. "As with Shogun 2, we will continually improve the game's compatibility, optimization and integral features such as AI and gameplay balancing post-release, and plan to add to that with new control schemes and additional free formats on other operating systems," Russell said. The company plans to release the Seleucid Empire faction as free DLC and the Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack as paid DLC by October-a month after the game's launch. Greek States is also part of the pre-order bonus. The first culture pack for the game, Greek States, along with the Pontus faction will be available to buy at launch.